Posts Tagged: injuries

The NFL wants to predict injuries before they happen. Here’s how

The NFL doesn’t just want to treat injuries after they happen. Instead, it now uses technology to help predict and prevent injuries before they occur.
Wearables | Digital Trends

Fighting football injuries with 3D-printed, personalized pads

Protec3d is on a mission to replace generic, one-size-fits-all football pads with 3D printed, hyper-personalized ones that offer more protection for players
Emerging Tech | Digital Trends

Mars crew could 3D-print skin and bones for injuries

A journey to Mars will take several years, and humans won't be able to turn back if an astronaut suffers a burn or a bone fracture. Which is why scientists at the University Hospital of Dresden Technical University have now produced the first bioprin…
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This wearable pitches to pitchers a way to prevent arm injuries

The best offense is a good defense. And now, this principle is being applied to sports clothing by way of a new kind of wearable known from Ziel initially designed to help baseball pitchers.

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